Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us because you give us your data in confidence and the services we offer are based on it. This document explains what information is collected by our service – how we secure and use it.
Your data is administered by ……………………………… With regard to the processing of personal data of users entrusted to ……………………………… for processing as a so-called processor. Information obligations should be fulfilled by the administrator entrusting ……………………………… data in accordance with the GDPR.
The website enables contact function on various matters, and thus the personal data provided is processed for various purposes. To accurately provide information regarding the processing of personal data, they have been grouped by purpose.
You have the right to access, rectify, delete personal data, limit the processing of or transfer personal data, raise objections to the processing of personal data, withdrawal your prior consent. To use your rights, please contact us via e-mail.
1. Request for an offer for our services
Data scope: data sent via the contact form to prepare and present the offer: name, e-mail address, telephone number, query content.
Legal basis: Processing is necessary to take action at the request of the data subject before concluding the contract.
2. Handling of other questions via the contact form
Data scope: Data sent via the contact form will be processed in order to answer questions that are not a request to present our services: name, e-mail address, telephone number, query content.
Legal basis: Our legally legitimate interest (processing at the request of the data subject).
3. Recruitment Process
Data scope: Personal data and documents sent to us visa email will be processed for recruitment purposes
Legal basis: consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of ongoing and / or future recruitment. This data will be processed only for the purposes for which they were made available, in the time necessary to achieve these goals. Personal data is not disclosed to third parties otherwise than with the consent of the Customer.
Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, stored on the Customer’s Device using the Website and intended for using the Website
We use cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the website, in particular to adjust its content to the user’s preferences and to optimize the use of it. Cookies allow you to recognize the basic parameters of the user’s device (type, screen resolution, country from which the website is accessed), and thus allow to properly display the page.
Cookies are also used to collect anonymous and general statistical data through marketing and analytical tools, such as:
- Google Analytics (cookie administrator: Google Inc. with its registered office in the USA),
Cookie settings can be changed independently at any time by specifying the conditions for their storage and access to the user’s device. Changes to the settings can be made via any web browser. Detailed information on the possibilities and ways of handling cookies are available in the browser settings.
Cookies can be manually deleted at any time using the features available in web browsers.
Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the website. In order to manage cookie settings, select the web browser / system from the list below and follow the instructions: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Android, Safari (iOS), Windows Phone, Blackberry
Transfer of personal data
Personal data that have been made available to you are transferred to entities with whom we cooperate while running the website. We use suppliers who process your personal data only on our instructions. They provide us with a hosting service, provide us with systems for online marketing, sending e-mails, for handling the blog comments system and for analyzing website traffic.
You have the right to request us to provide you with a copy of standard contractual clauses by sending an email request.
The collected personal data may be made available to authorized state authorities if they contact us with such request.
Personal data of website users are kept by the administrator in a period no longer than it is necessary to prepare a personalized offer, carry out the recruitment process and answer to other inquiries and enabling the Administrator to fulfill his obligations.
User data can be deleted by him at any time. User rights regarding the processing of personal data Each user of the website has the right to: access their personal data, rectify personal data, delete personal data, limit the processing of personal data, transfer personal data, raise objections to the processing of personal data, withdrawal of prior consent to the processing of personal data personal information.
To use your rights, please contact us via e-mail. If the user requests us with a request related to the execution of the aforementioned rights, the answer shall be prompt, no later than within one month of receipt. However, if – due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests – it will not be possible to fulfill the user’s request within a month, we will meet them within the next two months by informing about the extension of the deadline.
User data security As an Administrator of shared personal data, we strive to ensure the security of your data. We undertake to: protect data from unauthorized access, unauthorized removal, alteration, damage or destruction, allow personal data to be processed only by persons authorized by us, ensure control over the correctness of personal data processing, keep records of persons authorized to process personal data, special care that persons authorized to process these data keep them confidential, also after the completion of the Service, keeping the documentation required by law describing the processing of personal data entrusted, and technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of data processing, ensure that devices and IT and telecommunications systems used to process personal data were in line with the requirements of the Regulation of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration of 29 April 2004 on the documentation of personal data being processed and the technical and organizational conditions that equipment and systems should meet.